A unique specialty clinic designed to guide patients and their families through these challenging situations.
At Neuropsychology Associates, we collaborate with patients and their families to maximize their neuropsychological and psychological health.
Learn more about our approachNeuropsychology focuses on the relationship between the brain, the environment, and how an individual thinks, feels, and behaves.
About NeuropsychologyPsychologists help people cope with life stressors such as anxiety or depression, chronic illness, grief and loss, relationship problems, and other life challenges that may be limiting one’s potential.
About PsychologyNeuropsychology Associates is a group practice of neuropsychologists and psychologists in Fargo, N.D. The clinic was established by Dr. Rod Swenson in 2001. Our clinic was formed with the belief that excellent care can only happen if our providers have the freedom to tailor care to the unique needs of the patient.
Meet our DoctorsDr. Rod Swenson
Dr. Amy Meidinger
Dr. Kim LaHaise